6 Most Common Work Related Injuries

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We all need a job to earn money to fund our lifestyle. That’s why it is important to be careful while at work, so you don’t have a time-loss injury. Everyone wants to go home at the end of the workday, and you shouldn’t have to be worried about getting injured while on the job.

Unfortunately, there are too many workplace accidents reported every year. You don’t want to be part of the statistic, so understanding what hazards are is vital. Your knowledge of common work-related injuries will help you become alert to the potential hazards in the workplace.

What are the accidents on the job that you may encounter? Here are the six most common work-related injuries in the workplace.

Injury #1: Muscle Strain

When working at a job that requires repetitive motion, you can easily strain your muscles. This may even turn into a chronic injury, leading to time off and a loss of income. Over-exertion is a real problem, and it is vital to recognize what you are doing and make sure you are not causing physical harm to yourself.

Learn proper lifting techniques, so you don’t put added pressure on your back and neck. Assess when heavier items require two people or something automated to help you lift and carry and don’t take any shortcuts. Your employer should have given you training on your job to ensure you don’t get injured.

Follow the company work policies and report any unsafe work. Take breaks to rest your muscles and stretch beforehand if necessary. If you have an injury, report it right away before it worsens.

Injury #2: Slips, Trips & Falls

Regardless of where you work, there are always hazards. They could be at your desk or around a job site, but wherever they are, you could get injured.

Slippery or wet floors are in danger of losing your footing, leading to a severe head injury and broken bones. Falling from heights is even more dangerous, and ladders, platforms, and scaffolding are typical locations where falls happen. If there is a poorly lit area at work, you could easily lose your footing or trip over something, causing an injury.

Any unprotected holes, uneven walkways and other permanent hazards need to be marked. If there is debris or spills on the ground, they should be cleaned up promptly or reported to the cleaning staff. If you incur a slip and fall injury in the workplace due to the employer’s negligence, contact a lawyer like Franklin Law Firm to explore your legal options.

Injury #3: Exposure

When you go to work, you expect it to be a safe environment for you to be in. Exposure to dangerous hazards can quickly cause injury or worse. Harmful chemicals may cause severe burns to your skin, eyes and through the respiratory tract, so be sure to wear proper PPE when handling this material.

Heavy-duty machinery and other equipment may produce loud sounds above the recommended decibel level for safety. The same goes for jobs that pose a risk to your eyes. Hearing and eye protection while operating such equipment should always be worn.

Injury #4: Contact with Objects

This is a common type of injury and one that can cause an injury fast. Walking or driving into objects can bruise, cut, puncture or even break bones. If you operate forklifts or work trucks, you must ensure driving safely and be aware of your hazards. Falling objects from workers overhead or reaching a high shelf may cause an impact on your head or body.

Sometimes an injury comes through no fault of your own when someone else unintentionally strikes you with an object. Whether it is a door, equipment, machinery or even a vehicle, this can cause a severe injury. Entanglement in a piece of machinery is also very dangerous. Loose clothing or limbs can get caught up and cause tearing and crushing accidents.

Injury #5: Cuts and Lacerations

Depending on your working environment, you may get smaller injuries on the skin. Handling sharp objects, even paper, can cut your hand and power tools are dangerous when not operated properly. It is typically a user error, but the tools you are handling may be broken, so always inspect the equipment you use before starting and follow safety procedures.

While this type of injury may seem mild, it can quickly become infected or mask a bigger issue inside your body. Ensure to report all workplace injuries, no matter how small they seem.

Injury #6: Workplace Violence

Not all injures are caused by equipment at work. You may get into altercations with co-workers or visitors to the business, and it could result in an injury.

Tensions brew at the workplace, and sometimes calmer minds don’t prevail. People may bring domestic violence issues to work and take it out there. Fighting is never the answer, and businesses should have strict policies to deal with any altercations.

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