10 Best Real Estate Prospecting Methods

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Real estate agents cannot rely on their license singularly to generate business for them. Many licensed real estate agents exist, and many homes are being sold. It’s very easy for a homeowner to find someone to buy or sell their home. As a real estate agent, your objective is to find and nurture those leads so that they choose you as opposed to someone else.

With prospecting, you don’t want to waste time on people who aren’t a part of your target audience. Focus on your area. Ensure you are talking with people you can offer your services to. For beginner real estate agents, you want to go where it’s the easiest opportunity for you to gain experience, sell, and generate income. Be smart with how you prospect.

Here are the best real estate prospecting methods to use, no matter what type of real estate you’re in.

Method #1: Go Door-to-Door

In a lot of jurisdictions, door-to-door knocking is no longer allowed. If that’s the case where you are, dropping off a business card in someone’s mailbox is the next best thing. You want to ultimately do this as a way to brand-build and advertise your real estate services directly to members of the community.

Method #2: Prospecting Letters

A prospecting letter can also be dropped in someone’s mailbox and offer more info than a business card can. This is a great approach to take if you’ve recently sold a property nearby. Introducing yourself, personalizing the letter, and sharing what you’ve done for others is an excellent way to generate interest in those looking for a realtor.

Method #3: Contact Expired Listings

Expired real estate listings are people who want to sell their homes but who haven’t yet. It’s possible they haven’t found a buyer, and a real estate agent such as yourself can help. It’s also possible they’ve changed their mind. By calling these listings and offering yourself to them, if you’re personable and show them you’re determined to help them sell, you may be surprised by the relationships you can build this way. Be ready to overcome objections.

Method #4: Create An Email Newsletter

Offer a newsletter sign-up on your website. An interested party can enter their email or phone number. From there, they are registered into a newsletter that you can send out with some regularity, i.e. once a month, either by email or SMS.

A email newsletter campaign is a way to cultivate long-term qualified leads. This prospecting technique achieves the best results when you pair it with CRM for real estate. The technology empowers you to run the marketing campaign more smoothly and efficiently.

Method #5: Local Community Events

Attend local events. Set up a non-confrontational booth or table somewhere. Be present and ready to answer questions. This is usually done at industry events. However, you may find it more effective to set up at local events, i.e. garage sales, community celebrations, and sports games. This can be time-consuming but offer more quality leads than many general cold-calling methods.

Method #6: Sponsor a Local Giveaway

You can do this independently or connect with a local business with a built-in clientele. Sponsor a giveaway for a special occasion, i.e. a romantic dinner for Valentine’s Day, a free tree for the holidays, or something of this sort. You can do this in-person or online, allowing you to gather contact information and get your brand out in front of new people.

Method #7: Advertise on Local Websites

There may be neighbourhood websites or local social media groups for your city, i.e. Facebook groups, Reddit forums, city-specific hashtags, and news or current events websites. These are natural hubs for local traffic. Advertise in these spots. Week-to-week, this spotlights you and establishes yourself as the go-to real estate agent for your community.

Method #8: Set Up Your Own Website

Set up a website and start a blog. It can be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. A blog shares information wrapped in keyword-friendly text and a soft advertisement for your services that you can then share via social media channels and on search engines like Google. Although blogs require writing time, it’s free advertising that can nab your leads with the right keywords.

Method #9: Be Active on Social Media

You can get dozens of qualified leads on social media if you do it right. Set up accounts on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Be active. Attach posts to relevant hashtags. Participate in conversations. Monitor your account and respond to comments or questions.

Invest in a paid campaign to specifically advertise your real estate services through these platforms. They’re advantageous in being able to get you in front of local people who might already be looking for a realtor.

Method #10: Soft-Selling & Relationship-Building

There is no reason to be aggressive or pushy in real estate. Someone selling their property will be looking for a real estate agent. You just have to get in front of those people and be ready to respond. When prospecting, focus more on long-term relationship-building than closing a potential lead. Talk to people. Be kind. Allow someone to easily walk away but be present and ready should they ever need your service.

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